Are you ready to level up your personal and professional goals?

From a very young age, I’ve enjoyed entrepreneurship, business and leadership. Over the past 25+ years I’ve supported and mentored hundreds of entrepreneurs and business executives through my various roles, which you can learn about here.

As a Keynote Speaker, I help corporations increase employee engagement and excellence through my engaging presentations and active workshops on Leadership Lessons, Professional Development, and Innovation. Associations and conferences hire me to energize audiences around collaboration, building personal brands, and leveraging networks to grow net worth.

Now I’ve created a series of online courses titled What Harvard Taught Me, But My Kids Made Me Learn to help you succeed in your endeavors! Based on my upcoming book, these courses feature key takeaways and invaluable insights that I learned from three major influencers in my life: Harvard, home, and hard knocks.

These courses are aimed to help business persons, soon-to-be graduates, really individuals of all ages and backgrounds realize their potential and execute on their goals. I teach on four core areas:

PURPOSE - Now Available for $29 (3 Lessons and 11 Lectures Total…Complete form below for details.)

PURPOSE - Now Available for $29 (3 Lessons and 11 Lectures Total…Complete form below for details.)

PRIMARY SUCCESS SKILLS - Coming soon…Enter your info in the form below to stay updated.

PRACTICAL BUSINESS SUCCESS SKILLS - Coming soon…Enter your info in the form below to stay updated.

PROSPER - Coming soon…Enter your info in the form below to stay updated.

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